1998 - 2003: M.A., Philosophy, Leiden University
(The separate B.A. and M.A. programs were introduced in the Netherlands in 2002; at the time of graduation, a single program, leading to the M.A. degree, was in effect.)
2003 - 2005: B.A., Philosophy of a Specific Discipline, Leiden University
2003 – 2005: LL.B., Utrecht University
2005: Researcher, Leiden University, Department of Philosophy
2005 - 2007: Civil servant, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
2007: Lecturer in Law, InHolland University of Applied Sciences
2008 - 2009: Lecturer in Law, Utrecht University
2009 - 2011: Civil servant, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
2011 - present: Lecturer in Law, Leiden University
Peer reviewing activities:
- International Political Science Review (2010)
- International Journal of Social Economics (2011 and 2012)
- European Journal of International Relations (2011)
- International Research Journal of Police Science, Criminal Law and Criminology (2012)
- DePaul Journal for Social Justice (2012)

About Me
- J. Doomen, “The Problems of Scepticism,” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy vol. 10, 2007. Pages 36-52
- J. Doomen, “Review of D. Dennett, Freedom Evolves (pp. 295-298),” Australasian Journal of Philosophy vol. 83, 2005. Pages 295-298
- J. Doomen, “Annotation to the ruling of the Dutch Supreme Court of February 20th, 2009 (Dutch),” Tijdschrift voor vergoeding personenschade no. 2, 2009. Pages 84-87
- J. Doomen, “Review of J. Cottingham, Cartesian Reflections,” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy vol. 14, 2011. Pages 203-209
- J. Doomen, “Information Inflation,” Journal of Information Ethics, 2009. Pages 27-37
- J. Doomen, “The Current Position of Philosophy,” Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric vol. 20, 2010. Pages 1-14
- J. Doomen, “The Meaning of ‘International Law’,” The International Lawyer vol. 45, 2011. Pages 881-893
- J. Doomen, “Review of C. Korsgaard, Self-Constitution. Agency, Identity, and Integrity,” Dialogue vol. 49, 2010. Pages 317-322
- J. Doomen, “Cornering “Free Will”,” Journal of Mind and Behavior vol. 32, 2011. Pages 165-179
- J. Doomen, “Spinozan Freedom,” Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte vol. 53, 2012. Pages 53-69
- J. Doomen, “De rechtsgeleerdheid als strenge wetenschap (Dutch),” Fiat Justitia vol. 23, 2011. Pages 12-16
- J. Doomen, “Smart en geld (Dutch),” Executief. Maandblad voor burgerlijke rechtsvordering no. 4, 2008. Pages 50-55
- J. Doomen, “Consistent Nihilism,” Journal of Mind and Behavior vol. 33, 2012. Pages 103-117
- J. Doomen, “Concerning Darwinism,” Journal of Human Values, 2012. Pages 173-185
- A complete publication list can be found at, “-,” -, -.
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