Fordham University School of Law
Fordham Urban Law Journal, Senior Articles Editor
About Me
The Fordham Urban Law Journal is now accepting articles for Volume 45. The Journal's 2017 Fall Issue will be centered around a Juvenile Justice theme.
The Journal welcomes articles addressing the following topics: the school to prison pipeline; alternatives to incarceration for juveniles; privacy concerns for juveniles; lack of access to counsel for juveniles; the underuse of family court and overuse of criminal court; and "raise the age" issues in several states including New York. This list is in no way exhaustive and we welcome a wide variety of topics related to juvenile justice; however, we are particularly interested in articles that ground juvenile justice topics in the urban context.
If you have any questions, please contact Eva Coruzzi Schneider, Senior Articles Editor, at eschneider@law.fordham.edu.
Thank you, and we look forward to reviewing your submissions!
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