In my 11 years as a Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer, I have single-handedly developed the soil science specialism at my university. I built up one of the largest lab groups in my Faculty, and am one of the most successful academics in my School in terms of research income. My research interests are wide-ranging, but my lab group currently focuses on sustainable agriculture, environmental pollution (particularly from heavy industry and warfare), soil ecology, and soil forensics. I have supervised over 50 undergraduate and postgraduate student projects, and current have 21 students and staff in my lab group. I am the Course Director for a suite of degrees and the Research Lead for Biological Sciences.

Canterbury Christ Church University
Natural and Applied Sciences
soil science, soil chemistry, soil ecology, soil health, plant ecology, plants, plant biology, ecology, biodiversity conservation, conservation ecology, wildlife conservation, environmental pollution, pollution control, environment, land management, sustainable land management, sustainable agriculture, agroecology, agroecosystems, agronomy, agrobiodiversity, agro-food systems, food and agriculture, land contamination, food contam & safety, contamination, bioremediation, phytoremediation, remediation, environmental remediation, urban greening, forensic biology
community karma
: 27
About Me
- Rintoul, N.L.J., “Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in plant nutrition and health,” CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 2016.
- Tsiolis, K., Potts, S.G., Garratt, M., Tilson, E.L., Burman, J., Rintoul-Hynes, N.L.J. and Fountain, M.T., “The importance of soil and vegetation characteristics for establishing ground nesting bee aggregations,” Journal of Pollination Ecology, 2022.
- Wedlich, K., Rintoul, N., Peacock, S., Cape, J.N., Coyle, M., Toet, S., Barnes, J. and Ashmore, M., “Effects of ozone on species composition in an upland grassland,” Oecologia, 2012.
- Rintoul, N., “Teaching to increase university student engagement: is active learning always the answer?,” Libreria Universitaria, Italy, 2015.
- Hayes, F., Mills, G., Jones, L., Abbott, J., Ashmore, M., Barnes, J., Cape, J.N., Coyle, M., Peacock, S., Rintoul, N., Toet, S., Wedlich, K. and Wyness, K., “Consistent ozone-induced decreases in pasture forage quality across several grassland types and consequences for UK lamb production,” Science of the Total Environment, 2016.
- Scott, H., Fernandes de Souza, M., Meers, E. and Rintoul-Hynes, N.L.J., “Constraints using the liquid fraction from roadside grass as a biobased fertiliser’,” Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2023.
- Rintoul-Hynes, N.L.J., Sollen-Norrlin, M., Ferguson, C.F. and Galani Yamdeu, J.H., “Written evidence submitted by Canterbury Christ Church University (SH0097) to the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee on Soil health. First Report of Session 2023–24, HC 245,” House of Commons, 2023.
- Sollen-Norrlin, M. and Rintoul-Hynes, N.L.J., “Soil sample storage conditions affects measurements of pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrients,” Soil Science Society of America Journal, In press.
- Kennett, S., Rintoul-Hynes, N.L.J. and Sanders, C.H., “The effects of recreational footpaths on terrestrial invertebrate communities in a UK ancient woodland,” Biodiversity, In press.
- Sollen-Norrlin, M., Ghaley, B.B. and Rintoul, N.L.J., “Agroforestry benefits and challenges for adoption in Europe and beyond,” Sustainability, 2020.
- Williams, O.H. and Rintoul-Hynes, N.L.J. , “Legacy of war: Pedogenesis divergence and heavy metal contamination on the WWI front line a century after battle,” European Journal of Soil Science, 2022.
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