University of Baltimore Law Review

University of Baltimore School of Law (MD)

publishing, public policy, environmental law, maryland legal issues, federal courts
community karma : 12811

About Me

The University of Baltimore School of Law's flagship journal, the University of Baltimore Law Review, provides an in-depth analysis of timely legal topics of interest to the legal community nationwide.

As an academic forum for legal scholarship, the journal is a valuable research tool for legal practitioners. The Law Review also operates as a training ground for its members and provides them with the opportunity to hone their writing, research, editing, and time-management skills—the very skills that are prized in the job market. Under the direction of a student-run Editorial Board, the Law Review is published three times a year. Articles include works by professors, practitioners, judges and students, and inquiries regarding submission are always welcome. The Law Review also hosts an annual symposium—a conference for students and legal professionals that addresses timely legal issues—and co-sponsors the Feminist Legal Theory Conference with the Center on Applied Feminism. In 2012, the Law Review unveiled an online version of the publication to serve as an outlet for the timely publishing of editorials, commentary and legal scholarship for the Law Review staff and the local legal community as a whole.


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