UC Davis Law Review 2023 Symposium: Call for Proposals Reminder

Posted by Sue Jones, community karma 47

Just a reminder that we are still soliciting proposals until Wednesday, March 22.

Dear Scholars:

The UC Davis Law Review is currently accepting proposals for the next symposium, which will be held at King Hall and online on Friday, October 6, 2023.

Throughout the history of our symposium, we've covered salient topics such as the changing landscape of ESG investing, the modern effects of guns in public, an analysis of wealth transfer law, and more. We aim to host another symposium where our experts will enrich and educate our King Hall community, as well as the larger legal community, on a compelling legal issue.

If you have a proposal for our symposium, please feel free to reach out to us at vol57symposiumcommittee@gmail.com with any helpful details such as: (1) description and salience of the topic, (2) possible speaker list, and (3) available funding.

Please keep in mind that the cutoff deadline for proposal submissions will be Wednesday, March 22 at 5PM PT.

We look forward to hearing from you!

almost 2 years ago
Tags: symposium

1 Comment

Harvey Gilmore, community karma 19359

Good Afternoon.

I am interested in submitting a piece to your institution for review and possible inclusion in your symposium. It tells about how I went from being a demoralized high school dropout all the way to being a college and law school graduate.  

Admittedly, while this is not a straight legal piece per se, I believe that this could be a good topic for your symposium because this story also provides hope for those people who had similar experiences and shows that they too, can overcome the negative experience and fully recover and succeed in law school. 

If you're interested, let me know, and I can submit the piece to you later today.  

Regards and thanks, 

Harvey Gilmore 


almost 2 years ago
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