Rutgers Race & the Law Review - Call for Submissions Volume 25

Posted by Rutgers Race & The Law Review, community karma 31

 I.               General Information

 The Rutgers Race and the Law Review will hold a fall exclusive[1]* cycle, accepting manuscripts from April 14, 2023 – April 24, 2023. For all Articles that are submitted by April 24 and in accordance with the instructions outlined below, the Rutgers Race and the Law Review will issue a final publication decision on or before April 28, 2023.

 II.              Submission Instructions

 Submission Terms

 Participating authors agree to withhold the Article submitted through our Exclusive Submission Track from submission to any other publication until receiving a final decision from the Rutgers Race and the Law Review. Participating authors further agree to accept a binding publication offer should one be extended.

 Submission Procedure

Interested authors should submit Articles to the Rutgers Race and the Law Review via our page on Scholastica.

 Submission Requirements

In addition to a complete manuscript, we ask that authors submit (1) a cover letter that includes your name, the Article’s title, word count, phone number, and email address and (2) a CV or resume.


If you have submitted to us in the past and wish us to consider your previous submission, please resubmit your piece through Scholastica.

III.            Expedited Reviews & Withdrawals

Expedited Reviews

If you have received an offer from another journal and would like to request an expedited review, please do so through Scholastica. To do this, log in to your Scholastica account, go to “My Manuscripts,” click on “Manage Submission” for your submission to our journal, and then click on “Expedite Requests.”


We appreciate it if you can let us know if you decide to withdraw your submissions from consideration. You may do this through your Scholastica submissions page.

IV.            Communication

Communication and publication decisions will take place via Scholastica. If you have questions about our Spring Exclusive Cycle, please contact Managing Associate Editor

[1]* exclusive indicates that there is acceptance if offered.

almost 2 years ago

1 Comment

Charles Lamb, community karma 19965
Dear Articles Editor,
Here is the abstract of an article I am currently writing. Does it sound like a study you would be interested in?  Thanks.

Race, Fair Housing Enforcement, and The Fair Housing Assistance Program

Charles M. Lamb, Research Professor, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY 14260,


The United States has made some progress in combating racial segregation and discrimination in housing since the 1960s, but it has plainly failed to achieve housing integration. Among other things, this means that far more effective and efficient enforcement of the nation’s fair housing laws is imperative if additional progress is to be forthcoming. This article focuses on a major program in the fair housing enforcement effort—HUD’s Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP)—with two specific objectives in mind. First, it surveys the origins and evolution of the FHAP program since its inception in 1979. Second, emphasizing racial discrimination and relying on large data sets obtained from HUD, it explores the implementation of the Fair Housing Act of 1968 and the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 between the late 1970s and the early 2000s by comparing HUD’s enforcement performance to that of state and local FHAP agencies. The article finds that the number of state and local civil rights agencies participating in the FHAP program grew rapidly during the Reagan administration and continued to grow through Barack Obama’s early years in the White House. Then, based on the HUD data set, it shows that Title VIII complaints processed by FHAP agencies increased markedly early in the Reagan years, conciliations and closures by HUD and FHAP agencies fluctuated over time, and total monetary relief grew appreciably during the Clinton presidency. It concludes that, overall, the FHAP program is a useful component in the federal fair housing enforcement effort, yet the volume of Title VIII complaints processed, conciliated, and closed annually by HUD and FHAP agencies represent only a fraction of the estimated instances of racial housing discrimination believed to occur each year. It is likely that countless instances of racial housing discrimination are not reported, and even valid claims of discrimination that reach federal, state, and local civil rights agencies or the courts do not necessarily result in a favorable outcome for complainants. Thus, in general, while FHAP agencies have often succeeded in providing some needed enforcement assistance to HUD, a much broader, more concerted effort is essential if government is to significantly reduce racial housing segregation and discrimination in America in the foreseeable future.     

almost 2 years ago
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