CALL FOR SYMPOSIUM ARTICLES re The Tactics of Resolution: Exploring International Innovation in Law Enforcement and Conflict Resolution

Posted by Ashley Cote, community karma 73

Join the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution, the Weinstein International Foundation, and the Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal on November 4th, 2023, for a global discussion exploring the intersection of community-policing and dispute resolution. 
The Tactics of Resolution: Exploring International Innovation in Law Enforcement and Conflict Resolution will feature panels and discussions on how law enforcement stakeholders can collectively engage in peacemaking practices to respond to harms and redress injustices.  

The Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal (DRLJ) is one of Pepperdine Caruso School of Law’s specialized law journals, associated with the top-ranked and internationally recognized Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution. For over twenty-three years, Pepperdine’s DRLJ has fostered legal excellence, insightful discussions, and cutting-edge research on alternative dispute resolution. Our previous publications are available here.

In anticipation of our November 4th event on The Tactics of Resolution: Exploring International Innovation in Law Enforcement and Conflict Resolution, we invite scholars and practitioners to submit articles and proposals that reimagine how dispute resolution can be used to facilitate innovative, effective, and collective law enforcement practices that strengthen communities.  

If you would like to be considered for this volume, please send to (and copy Dr. Sukhsimranjit Singh at sukhsimranjit.singh@pepperdine.edua minimum abstract/draft of five pages (or more) for consideration by September 22, 2023 to be considered for our special conference issue of Volume XXIV of the Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal. 

We ask that the final article submissions be roughly 10,000 words, including footnotes, and formatted in accordance with Bluebook standardized citations

We look forward to seeing many of you at the Nov. 4th Conference!