Call for Submissions: Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality, Volume 44

Posted by Kaylie Vasquez, community karma 167

The Minnesota Journal of Law & Inequality (JLI) is excited to announce we are open for article  submissions for Volume 44! 

JLI is committed to publishing articles that address both the law’s complicity in perpetuating systems of injustice and its potential to offer nuanced and practical solutions to combat systemic oppression. 

In keeping with that mission, JLI Volume 44 is particularly interested in manuscripts that push the boundaries of legal scholarship and tackle subversive topics concerning the current state of the law and the world. 

Manuscripts are accepted on a rolling basis and will continue until Volume 44 is full. To be considered for publication, manuscripts must conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, and have a clear nexus to law and inequality. 

Interested authors may submit their manuscript and current resume or CV through Scholastica or via email at Please visit our website for more information about JLI and the publication process at:

We look forward to reading your legal scholarship! 

Please note: We are unable to accept student-written notes or case comments. 

1 Comment

Charlie Martel, community karma 8733
Thanks--I submitted my essay before this post (earlier in Feb). Should I resubmit or will the editors consider the essay I've submitted?
--Charlie Martel
14 days ago
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