Call for Submissions- Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy

Posted by Aaditi Pradeep, community karma 139

The Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy is accepting submissions for Volume 32 on topics at the intersection of law and policy. We will be accepting rolling submissions from now through October.  

For submission details and guidelines, please visit our website. We look forward to reviewing your scholarship! 

about 3 years ago

1 Comment

Charles Lamb, community karma 19965
Dear Articles Editor:

I am currently completing the manuscript below and was considering sending to you. Could you be so kind as to let me know if you are interested?

Federalism, Civil Rights, and Housing:

The Evolving Role of State and Local Governments

Charles S. Bullock, III

Richard B. Russell Chair in Political Science

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor

 Distinguished University Professor of Public and International Affairs

University of Georgia

Athens, GA 30602


Charles M. Lamb

Research Professor

Department of Political Science

University at Buffalo, SUNY

Buffalo, NY 14260


Eric M. Wilk

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science and International Affairs

University of North Georgia

Gainesville, GA 30566


Keywords: state and local governments, federalism, civil rights enforcement, fair housing

Direct correspondence to Charles M. Lamb, Department of Political Science, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY 14260


Fair housing law is an overlooked example of cooperative federalism, which has evolved over time, and its history can be divided into four major developmental stages: a federal phase beginning with the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments, a progressive state and local period extending from the 1920s to the late 1960s, a third phase led by the national government and characterized by the passage of landmark federal legislation, and a fourth period in which state and local civil rights agencies have become indispensable. State and local fair housing accomplishments in the second and fourth stages have been largely ignored, but this progress is directly relevant to combatting future discrimination. Finally, the fair housing movement has been evolutionary, and when one level of government has made little headway, another level has assisted in slowly nudging it along.


Charles Lamb 

almost 3 years ago
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