Call for Submissions - Constitutional Legitimacy - UC Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly

Posted by Madeline Cline, community karma 29

The Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly is seeking submissions for Volume 50, Issue 3, to be published in spring 2023. CLQ is seeking articles that explore and critically analyze and evaluate the public perception of the U.S. Constitution, rule of law, stare decisis, constitutional interpretation, voting rights, originalism, and the need for critical reformation or amendments to the Constitution.

Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly is the oldest law journal in the United States solely dedicated to constitutional law. We are proud to continue the tradition of publishing outstanding legal scholarship that is likely to have a direct impact on our nation's jurisprudence. Articles in our journal have been cited by prominent legal minds, including Associate Justice Paul Stevens in Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission and the American Bar Association in an amicus brief for the petitioner in the death penalty case Bobby James Moore v. Texas. We would love to add your piece to our growing list of legal scholarship. 

Please submit your articles through Scholastica. We are accepting submissions until November 21st, 2022. If you have any questions about publishing with us, or about CLQ in general, please do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to reviewing your submissions!

1 Comment

Darryll Jones, community karma 1071
Is your November 21st deadline hard and fast?  
over 2 years ago
Not necessarily, although we would need a manuscript as soon as possible. We have already sent some offers out so we'd need to review it sooner than later to determine if we have the capacity for additional articles and whether it fits our theme. Please submit any manuscripts through Scholastica only, but if you have questions you can email
Madeline Cline – over 2 years ago
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