Call for Blog Submissions

Posted by Melanie Tawil, community karma 51

The Mitchell Hamline School of Law Journal of Public Policy & Practice, Volume 46 is currently accepting submissions for position papers for The Quadriga – our blog highlighting issues facing the public and practical advice for attorneys regarding a myriad of decisions. Our Spring Issue, and in preparation for Volume 47. Submissions for the Quadriga must meet the following requirements: 

  • Word count: 1,500-5,000 

  • Does not have to be perfect but with some edits and guidance from our editors can be ready for publication within 2 – 4 weeks 

  • Bluebook standards for online publication 

  • May include photos or other additional resources to support your position 

  • Is relevant to our current climate 


Submissions for the Journal of Public Policy & Practice must meet the following requirements: 

  • Word count: 8,000 – 10,000 

  • Bluebook Standards 

  • Your ability to work with our student editors to bring your paper as close to perfect for print. 



Please consider submitting your long paper to the MHSL Journal of Public Policy & Practice. We are a student-run publication brought to you to bring policy to our legal community while also maintaining a style that is accessible to the general public.  


To submit for either The Quadriga or the Journal of Public Policy & Practice, email with your submissions.   


about 1 month ago