American College of Environmental Lawyers - 2016-17 Student Writing Competition

Posted by J.B. Ruhl, community karma 12887


The American College of Environmental Lawyers (“ACOEL”) announces its annual Stephen E. Herrmann Environmental Writing Award (“Herrmann Award”) for the 2016-17 academic year. Stephen E. Herrmann is a distinguished, nationally recognized environmental lawyer. For some forty years, Mr. Herrmann has been a leader in the area of environmental law as a practitioner, teacher and writer. The ACOEL honors his leadership in environmental law and in formation of the ACOEL. The ACOEL is a professional association of distinguished lawyers who practice in the field of environmental law. ACOEL Fellows come from the private bar, not for profit organizations, government and law schools. Membership is by invitation. Fellows are recognized by their peers as preeminent in their field. The ACOEL is dedicated to maintaining and improving the ethical practice of environmental law, the administration of justice and the development of environmental law at the state and federal levels.


The Herrmann Award is a stipend of $3,500 to the author of the winning submission, whether an article, note, case comment or essay, and $500 to the submitting law journal. The winner of the Herrmann Award will be invited to present his or her submission to the Fellows at the ACOEL Annual Meeting.


Student edited law journals or equivalent publications published by accredited U.S. law schools are eligible to submit annually a single candidate article, note, case comment or essay selected for its ability to promote understanding of legal issues in the broad field of environmental law, including natural resources law and/or environmental or resources aspects of energy law.

 Judging Criteria:

The prize will be awarded to the author of a student article, note, case comment or essay published by the submitting law journal during the current academic year, or scheduled for publication in the next academic year, that in the judgment of the ACOEL best presents a current topic within the broad field of environmental law.  Submissions will be judged based on originality, quality of research, presentation and writing, and significance of contribution to the field of environmental law. Entries will be judged by the ACOEL Stephen E. Herrmann Award Committee.


Please email one electronic copy of a submission to the Stephen E. Herrmann Environmental Writing

Award, ACOEL, using same as the email “Subject” line, c/o J.B. Ruhl and Mary Ellen Ternes with the email addresses below. Entries must be received no later than June 10, 2017. Please include with your entry a cover letter or e-mail message stating the name of the submitting law journal, email address(es) of author (with post-graduation email address if applicable), year of author’s graduation and a statement that the submission was not written as part of paid employment. If you have questions, please contact by email or phone J.B. Ruhl or Mary Ellen Ternes, referencing the same subject to ensure a prompt response. 

American College of Environmental Lawyers

J.B. Ruhl,, (615) 322-6500 &

 Mary Ellen Ternes,, (405) 286-2042