ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal: Summer 2023 Call for Submissions

Posted by Amy Milligan, community karma 33

The ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal is accepting article submissions for the Summer 2023 issue. Submissions will be reviewed on an expedited basis. 

Article submissions are peer reviewed, and accepted articles are peer edited with assistance from students at the University of South Carolina School of Law.

The ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal publishes scholarly articles on subjects of practical interest and importance to lawyers practicing in the fields of real property, estate planning, probate, and trust law. Each issue reaches the hands or screens of 20,000+ subscribers, which include ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section members, major law firms, and law libraries. Therefore, the Journal is a natural home for authors who wish to influence the practice of law through their scholarly work.

We consider for publication articles that address topics of national interest related to real property, estate planning, probate, and trust law, as well as related fields, including environmental law, ERISA, insurance, and bankruptcy. Within those topics, we will consider the following types of articles for publication:

  1. analytical articles on discrete topics of current interest or recent developments in the law,
  2. survey or primer articles discussing the development of the law to date in a particular subject area that provide useful analysis of various factors and policy concerns that have shaped development of the law,
  3. articles discussing proposals for legal reform,
  4. special reports or other material of unusual value to real property, trust, and estate attorneys, and
  5. book reviews that analyze and comment on books of interest to the Journal’s subscribers.

We accept submissions through Scholastica, or you may send your submission directly to Editor Amy Milligan at milligal@law.sc.edu.  

about 2 years ago