2016 Call for Papers: Memphis Law Mental Health Law & Policy Journal

Posted by Mental Health Law & Policy Journal (MHLPJ), community karma 27

The Mental Health Law & Policy Journal now invites submissions of articles, essays, notes and similar original works of authorship for possible publication in Volume 5 during the 2015-16 Academic Year. National and International submissions are welcomed in addition to those from scholars outside the field of law.

About the Journal

Established in the spring of 2011, the Mental Health Law & Policy Journal is a topic-specific journal at the University of Memphis Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law and is the first journal in the country to specialize in the area of mental health law. The Journal works closely in conjunction with its Board of Advisors, comprised of leading scholars in the field nationwide. In addition to providing general oversight and advice to the journal, the members of the Board conduct comprehensive double-blind peer-reviews prior to the journal making any offer to publish submitted works.

The Mental Health Law & Policy Journal is dedicated to the mission of exploring, educating, and expanding scholarly discourse within the broad spectrum of mental health law and policy. Its goal is to provide a forum for scholarly debate and discussion on a wide range of mental health law related legal issues and their intersection with mental health policy.

Submission Guidlines

Interested authors should submit their work as an email attachment together with an abstract of 200- 400 words to submissions.mhlpj@gmail.com. Papers should be double spaced in 12-point Times New Roman typeface, and all citations must conform to The Bluebook (20th ed. 2015). In certain limited circumstances, papers written in other citation formats may be considered.

Accepted offers require a Copyright Agreement with the Mental Health Law & Policy Journal. The deadline for Volume 5 is  January 15, 2016 at 5:00p.m.

I hope you will consider publishing with us and contributing to our mission of increasing awareness of mental health law and policy. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at rcwatson@memphis.edu.


Rodrequez C. Watson
Mental Health Law & Policy Journal, Vol. 5 

over 9 years ago